In order to set up Audience rules you must have created a bidding plan in your campaign.

In the "Audience"-tab  of a bidding plan you will be able to choose your targeting strategy.


Audience rules

  • Frequency - The number of times per hour, day and week each unique browser can be exposed to the campaign.

  • Exclude order placing users (*) - Excludes all browsers that places orders within the given time frame set by the user.

  • Travelers - Targets browsers that have been identified on different geo locations within the last 30 days through. The rule can be set for the number of kilometers that the browser has traveled.

  • A/B testing - Used to divide the target group into two separate test groups (Even and uneven browser IDs) for comparing results and different tactics. Please note when using this rule that you need to create two identical bidding plans with one single element that is unique between the two. These two bidding plans should be marked with A and B group.

  • Retargeting (*) - Targets browsers that have previously visited a specific website. The rule can be set for the number of days that have passed since the browser visited the website. A pixel has to be implemented through the function "tracking" at start page in order for this to work.

  • Seen tracking unit (*) - Targets browsers that have previously visited a specific tracking unit at your webpage. This is used to target a specific part of a website, often different product sub-categories. Please note that a pixel needs to be implemented on your website for this option to be available.

  • Prospect lists (IP list) - Targets specific IP numbers based on prospect lists of for example a specific company. The list needs to be provided by the client and uploaded in the DSP system.

  • Profiles - Profiles are based on the online behavior a certain browser has displayed during the last 30 days. The profiles have been identified by Delta Projects through analysis of browsing behavior on categorized websites.

  • Days of week - Regulates which days of a week the Bidding Plan will be active.

  • Hour of day - Regulates which hours during the day the Bidding Plan will be active.

  • User agent - Regulates which user agents the Bidding Plan should run on.

  • Mobile traffic - Regulates whether mobile campaigns only will run on apps or through responsive (mobile) webpages. If this rule is left out, the system will automatically deliver on all sources; mobile and display.

  • Geo-targeting - Targets browsers based on location. Choose a city / part of the country by marking location. You can adapt the circle by choosing the mark by "1" and move / change size of the location. Don't forget to press save!

  • Page position - Regulates where the ads are located on a publishers webpage.

  • Global frequency - Ensuring a minimum or maximum number of views over all media plans in the specified time frame.

  • Gender - Regulates however ads are only shown to women or men. If this rule is left out, the ad will be shown to both genders.

  • Age - Regulates however ads show to a "Younger" (< 25) or "Older" (> 25) audience.

(*) = These rules are only available if Tracking has been activated

Next step: Set up Media rules for your Bidding Plan

Now that you have setup all your Audience rules you can proceed to set up Media rules.