A Bidding plan defines a strategy for bidding using a set of creatives and acts as a reporting unit within an activity.
Contact your Delta Projects representative to get your
List Bidding plans
Description: List all bidding plans in given activity
Verb: GET
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
mediaAgencyId | Path | Yes | Id of media agency | 86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
clientId | Path | Yes | Id of client | 86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
campaignId | Path | Yes | Id of campaign. Must be "default" in v1 | default |
activityId | Path | Yes | Id of activity | 86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
apikey | Query | Yes | API key for authentication and authorization | secretkey123 |
fetch | Query | No | child entities to attach | creatives |
Response JSON Body
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description | Example |
top level | Array of BiddingPlan | Bidding plans | See below |
Bidding Plan object
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description | Example |
id | String | Id of bidding plan | 86b35328-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
name | String | Name of bidding plan | Example BiddingPlan |
Example Request
GET /api/v1/media_agency/86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/client/86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/campaign/default/activity/86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/bidding_plan?apikey=secret123
Example Response
"id": "86b35328-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87",
"name": "Example BiddingPlan"
Retrieve Bidding Plan
Description: Retrieve given bidding plan
Verb: GET
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
mediaAgencyId | Path | Yes | Id of media agency | 86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
clientId | Path | Yes | Id of client | 86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
campaignId | Path | Yes | Id of campaign. Must be "default" in v1 | default |
activityId | Path | Yes | Id of activity | 86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
biddingPlanId | Path | Yes | Id of bidding plan | 86b35328-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
apikey | Query | Yes | API key for authentication and authorization | secretkey123 |
Response JSON Body
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description | Example |
id | String | Id of bidding plan | 86b35328-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
name | String | Name of bidding plan | Example Bidding Plan |
enabled | Boolean | ebabled status | true |
targetECPM | Double | target ECPM | 1.34 |
platforms | Array of Platform | Bidding platforms | See below |
overrideVariables | String (JSON) | Adserver tag variables to override | {"fontsize": 24, "color": "red"} |
areaRule | JSON Object | Arearule for geo targeting details | {"excludeGeo": true, "geoDetails": [{"lat": 69, "long": 21, "radius": 100}]} |
Platform object
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description | Example |
name | String | Name of bidding platform | Example Bidding Platform 1 |
Example Request
GET /api/v1/media_agency/86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/client/86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/campaign/default/activity/86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/bidding_plan/86b35328-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87?apikey=secret123
Example Response
"id": "86b35328-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87",
"name": "Example Bidding Plan",
"enabled": true,
"targetECPM": 1.34,
"platforms": [
{"name": "Example Bidding Platform 1"}
"areaRule": {
"excludeGeo": true,
"geoDetails": [{