Advertising activities belong to clients and are constrained by budgets.
Contact your Delta Projects representative to get your mediaAgencyId
List Activities
Description: List all activities on given client
Verb: GET
Path: /api/v1/media_agency/<mediaAgencyId>/client/<clientId>/campaign/<campaignId>/activity
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
mediaAgencyId | Path | Yes | Id of media agency | 86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
clientId | Path | Yes | Id of client | 86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
campaignId | Path | Yes | Id of campaign. Must be "default" in v1 | default |
apikey | Query | Yes | API key for authentication and authorization | secretkey123 |
fetch | Query | No | child entities to attach | biddingPlans.creatives |
Response JSON Body
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description | Example |
top level | Array of Activity | Activities | See below |
Activity Object
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description | Example |
id | String | Id of activity | 86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
name | String | Name of activity | Example Activity |
Example Request
GET /api/v1/media_agency/86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/client/86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/campaign/default/activity?apikey=secret123
Example Response
"id": "86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87",
"name": "Example Activity"
Retrieve Activity
Description: Retrieve given activity
Verb: GET
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
mediaAgencyId | Path | Yes | Id of media agency | 86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
clientId | Path | Yes | Id of client | 86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
campaignId | Path | Yes | Id of campaign. Must be "default" in v1. | default |
activityId | Path | Yes | Id of activity | 86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
apikey | Query | Yes | API key for authentication and authorization. | secretkey123 |
Response JSON Body
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description | Example |
id | String | id of activity | 86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
name | String | Name of activity | Example Activity |
flightStart | ISO8601 Timestamp | Scheduled activity start | 2014-12-31T22:00:00.000+0000 |
flightStop | ISO8601 Timestamp | Scheduled activity stop | 2015-01-10T21:59:59.000+0000 |
enabled | Boolean | Activity activation flag | false |
budget | Double | Total budget for the activity | 100000.0 |
impressionBudget | Integer | Activity total impressions if defined | 500000 |
currentTargetSpend | Double | Current target spend, if impressionBudget isn't defined | 5054.345 |
currentTargetImpressions | Integer | Current target number of impressions, if impressionBudget is defined | 45678 |
Example Request
GET /api/v1/media_agency/86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/client/86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/campaign/default/activity/86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87?apikey=secret123
Example Response
"id": "86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87",
"name": "Example Activity",
"currentTargetSpend": 5054.345
Create Activity From Template
Description: Create a new activity using the given template and its settings
Verb: POST
Path: /api/v1/media_agency/<mediaAgencyId>/client/<clientId>/campaign/<campaignId>/activity/create_from_template
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
mediaAgencyId | Path | Yes | Id of media agency | 86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
clientId | Path | Yes | Id of client | 86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
campaignId | Path | Yes | Id of campaign. Must be "default" in v1 | default |
apikey | Query | Yes | API key for authentication and authorization | secretkey123 |
Request JSON Body
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description | Example |
templateId | String | Yes | Id of activity template | 16b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
activityName | String | Yes | Name of activity to be created | Example Activity |
flightStart | ISO8601 Timestamp | Yes | Scheduled activity start | 2015-01-01T00:00:01.0Z |
flightStop | ISO8601 Timestamp | Yes | Scheduled activity stop | 2015-02-01T00:00:01.0Z |
targetECPM | Double | No | Target eCPM in account currency | 2.4 |
orderId | String | Yes | Order ID | GXK-77123 |
budget | Double | Yes | Activity budget in account currency | 100000.0 |
impressionBudget | Integer | No | Activity total impressions | 500000 |
overrideVariables | String (JSON) | No | Adserver tag variables to override | {"fontsize": 24, "color": "red"} |
enabled | Boolean | No | Activity activation flag | false |
geoDetails | ArrayList (JSON) | No | Latitude, longitude, radius for geo targeting | [{"lat": 69.0, "long": 22, "radius": 19.77}] |
excludeGeo | Boolean | No | Excluded/included geo targets | false |
HTTP 201 Created with the URL to the created activity in the Location header.
Example Request
POST /api/v1/media_agency/86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/client/86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/campaign/default/activity/create_from_template?apikey=secret123
Example Request Body
"templateId": "16b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87",
"activityName": "Example Activity",
"flightStart": "2015-01-01T00:00:01.0Z",
"flightStop": "2015-02-01T00:00:01.0Z",
"targetECPM": 2.4,
"orderId": "GXK-77123",
"budget": 100000.0,
"impressionBudget": 500000,
"enabled": false,
"geoDetails": [
"lat": 69,
"long": 21,
"radius": 100
"lat": 67,
"long": 19,
"radius": 34.5
"excludeGeo": true
- Leaving out "targetECPM" in request body will make the activity use the template "targetECPM" presets
- Leaving out "impressionBudget" in request body will make the activity use the template "impressionBudget" presets
- Leaving "geoDetails" out will result in using templates geo targeting presets. "geoDetails" can only be included when template already has geo targeting rule. When using "geoDetails", all fields must be set with valid latitude/longitude values and radius cannot be a negative. Multiple "geoDetails" are supported.
- Leaving "excludeGeo" out sets its value to false and can only be used together with "geoDetails" or will not be used.
Example Response
Location: /api/v1/media_agency/86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/client/86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/campaign/default/activity/86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87
Update Activity
Description: Update an existing activity
Verb: POST
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
mediaAgencyId | Path | Yes | Id of media agency | 86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
clientId | Path | Yes | Id of client | 86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
campaignId | Path | Yes | Id of campaign. Must be "default" in v1 | default |
activityId | Path | Yes | Id of activity | 86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
apikey | Query | Yes | API key for authentication and authorization | secretkey123 |
Request JSON Body
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Required | Description | Example |
activityName | String | No | Name of activity to be created | Example Activity |
flightStop | ISO8601 Timestamp | No | Scheduled activity stop | 2016-11-01T00:00:00Z |
targetECPM | Double | No | Target eCPM in account currency | 2.4 |
orderId | String | No | Order ID | GXK-77123 |
budget | Double | No | Activity budget in account currency | 100000.0 |
impressionBudget | Integer | No | Activity total impressions | 500000 |
overrideVariables | String (JSON) | No | Adserver tag variables to override | {"fontsize": 24, "color": "red"} |
enabled | Boolean | No | Activity activation flag | false |
geoDetails | ArrayList (JSON) | No | Latitude, longitude, radius for geo targeting | [{"lat": 69.0, "long": 22, "radius": 20}] |
excludeGeo | Boolean | No | Excluded/included geo targets | false |
HTTP 200 Updated with the URL to the updated activity in the Location header.
Example Request
POST /api/v1/media_agency/86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/client/86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/campaign/default/activity/86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87?apikey=secret123
Example Request Body
"activityName": "Renamed Activity",
"flightStop": "2016-11-01T00:00:00Z",
"targetECPM": 4.2,
"orderId": "GXK-88123",
"budget": 200000.0,
"enabled": true,
"geoDetails": [
"lat": 69,
"long": 21.5,
"radius": 100
"excludeGeo": true
- Leaving "geoDetails" out will result in using existing geo targeting presets. "geoDetails" can only be included when activity for update already has geo targeting rule. When using "geoDetails", all fields must be set with valid latitude/longitude values and radius cannot be a negative. Multiple "geoDetails" are supported. Latitude/longitude and radius fields can be both integers or decimal numbers.
- Leaving "excludeGeo" out sets its value to false and can only be used together with "geoDetails" or will not be used.
Example Response
Location: /api/v1/media_agency/86b35325-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/client/86b35326-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87/campaign/default/activity/86b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87
List Activity Templates
Description: List all activity templates
Verb: GET
Path: /api/v1/activity_templates
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
apikey | Query | Yes | API key for authentication and authorization | secretkey123 |
Response JSON Body
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description | Example |
top level | Array of Activity | Activities | See below |
Activity Object
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description | Example |
id | String | Id of activity | 16b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87 |
name | String | Name of activity | Example Activity Template |
Example Request
GET /api/v1/activity_templates?apikey=secret123
Example Response
"id": "16b35327-794c-11e4-8425-daf437376f87",
"name": "Example Activity Template"