Site pools is lists of sites (domains) which you can create and use in your campaigns. Either to only run on these sites, or to exclude these sites from your campaigns.

Create a site pool

1. Go to "Site pools" in the left menu

2. Click the "+" symbol in the bottom left of the middle column

3. Type the name of your choice

4. Click "Create"!

Assigning site pools

If you don't assign any media agency to the site pool, the site pool will become public to all customers. If you only want a specific media agency to be able to use this site pool you can select this with the checkboxes to the left of the site pools list. 
Please always assign the site pool to at least one client or media agency.

Adding sites

1. Click the "+" symbol in the bottom left of the right column

2. Type or copy one or multiple domains to the text area. (Please note that you can only add sub- and domains, such as "" or "". You can not enter urls like "").

3. Click "Add"

Site Pools

Please Note! Don't forget to click "Publish changes"