The interest tab is basically a statistics page where you can view total on-site statistics, or per tracking unit, divided in to our different profiles. This way you will be able to investigate your target groups in a more detailed way.

  • Profile Analysis - Name of the profile.
  • Country reach - The total reach of that profile in the current country based on 30 days back.
  • Tracking reach - The total reach of the profile in this tracking account (site).
  • Tracking factor - The tracking factor based on the formula below:
Profile Tracking Reach / Total Tracking Reach = Profile Tracking Percentage
8 939 / 441 228 = 0.02025936703926

Profile Country Reach / Total Country Reach = Profile Country Percentage
253 278 / 24 078 288 = 0.01051893722677

Profile Tracking Percentage / Profile Country Percentage = Tracking Factor
0.02025936703926 / 0.01051893722677 = 1.92598991727997 (1.9)
  • Order reach - The number of unique customers that made an order.
  • Order factor - The order factor is based on the formula below:
Profile Order Reach / Total Order Reach = Profile Order Percentage
88 / 3 031 = 0.02903332233586

Profile Country Reach / Total Country Reach = Profile Country Percentage
253 278 / 24 078 288 = 0,01051893722677

Profile Order Percentage / Country Order Pecentage = Order Factor
0.02903332233586 / 0.01051893722677 = 2.76010035139026 (2.8)

Interest tab