Before you proceed: please make sure you creatives are ready to be uploaded, in order to do so you can learn more about our creative specifications and file size limits for: HTML5 ads, Video ads or Image ads.

If your creatives meet our requirements they can be uploaded. When you are uploading multiple image files they can be zipped together or uploaded as is. For your HTML5 creatives please zip the folder for each format or all folders together. Video files are required to be zipped for uploading.

Uploading your creatives:

1. Drag and drop the files in to the white area inside the Creatives tab "Creatives"-tab. (The creative area will be marked green when your files are over it.)

2. You can also press the "+"-symbol in the bottom left of that area.

Uploading creatives

Please note: when uploading video files the system will convert these into the right formats. You therefore won't need to worry about file sizes and/or formats other than following the video specifications.

Next step: Creating your ad tags

How to create ad tags

When you have uploaded your creatives you will have to create placeholders for these creatives and also create the ad tags that will run programmatically or to be placed on the publishers site. Ad tags is essentially JavaScript-code that contains your creative(s) and tracking for all the statistics the Ad Server reports on.

1. Creating placeholders and connecting single creatives

The placeholder will be your ad tag and it will function as a container. This container will then display the creative materials you connect to it from the "Creatives"-tab.

  • Drag and drop the creatives to the desired purchase(s). This action will create a placeholder with the creative. You can also right click the purchase and create a placeholder manually and drag the creative to that slot.

Drag and drop creatives

2. Connecting multiple creatives and using material iteration order (Optional)

This step is optional and only applies if you wish to connect multiple creatives to your tag.

To your placeholders you can connect multiple creatives. This way you can display different messages using the same ad tag to a unique browser, when this browser is displayed the ad tag multiple times depending on which setting you choose.

You have three different choices of the order your creatives are displayed for a browser:

1. Random, repeat - Will display creatives randomly

2. Sequential, repeat all - Serve all creative in the list in the order that they appear in the tag interface, from first to last. Then keep repeating the same sequence. Example: with creatives labeled "A", "B", "C", the order will be "A","B","C","A","B","C","A",... endlessly.

3. Sequential, repeat last - Serve all creative in the list in the order that they appear in the tag interface, from first to last. Then keep displaying the last creative in the sequence. Example: with creatives labeled "A", "B", "C", the order will be "A","B","C","C","C","C",... endlessly.

Material iteration

3. Adding Click TAG and Extra Html

You can apply Click TAG (the URL which the browser will be redirected to when clicking on the ad) and Extra Html on three different levels: Activity, Purchase and Placeholder. The more detailed you become, the higher the hierarchy. (For example: Applying a Click TAG and/or Extra Html to a placeholder, will override the settings on the purchase. The full hierarchy of Click TAG is (from first to last): Placeholder, Material, Purchase, Activity and then lastly Media plan level)

  • Applying a Click TAG and/or Extra Html is done through the Settings tab "Settings"-tab.

Click TAGs and custom HTML

4. Downloading ad tags

  • When you are finished with all your settings you can download the tags by right clicking the purchase and select "Download script tag in selected purchase" or the individual placeholder itself and select "Download selected script tag".

You will then get a zipped file containing text files of your ad tags. These are going to be JavaScript-tags. 
Which you then can upload into a portfolio in the Delta DSP.

Why is there a lock displayed next to the ad tag? Now that your ad tag is download there will be a lock displayed in the upper left corner of the placeholder. This means you are not able to delete this placeholder as it has been downloaded and intended to be serving the connected creative.

Ad tags lock

Next step: Uploading your ad tags to Portfolios in the Delta DSP

When you have downloaded your ad tags you can continue to Delta DSP to create your Portfolios and upload your creatives.