Now that you have created your client, set up your tracking, created portfolios and uploaded your ad tags as creatives you can start creating your campaign.

Creating a campaign is as simple as:

1. Go to the campaign module.

2. Create a new campaign by clicking on the "+" button at the bottom left corner.

Create campaign

Please note: If you wish to delete a campaign you simple select it and press the "-" button next to the "+" button in the left corner.

Campaign templates

When you hit the "+" button you'll be asked to choose a campaign template.

Campaign templates

1. Name your campaign.

2. By default the "Copy Existing" template is active, which gives you the option to select and choose a previous campaign to copy into your new campaign. If you wish to create a campaign from scratch choose the template "Blank". You could also set your campaign by choosing a preset template based on your requirements.

3. Press the "Create" button and your campaign will be created.

Next step: Campaign settings and Bidding Plans

When your campaign has been created you can proceed to campaign settings.